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Obama destroying the US..
What happened? 

From The American Prospect:

Barack Obama will be president for only two more months, and any judgment of his presidency will have to account for all he failed to accomplish. Consider this partial list of things Obama was supposed to do but never did:
  • Destroy America's image and influence in the world
  • Dismantle our military
  • Send us into a Greece-like debt spiral that would crash the economy
  • Institute a government takeover of all health care
  • Kill elderly and disabled people who had become a drain on the system
  • Transition the U.S. to communism
  • Outlaw Christianity
  • Reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine then use it as a tool to silence conservative media
  • Force gas prices up to $8 or $10 a gallon to make driving impossible
  • Open the borders to a flood of undocumented immigrants
  • Confiscate Americans' guns
  • Throw dissenters into concentration camps
  • Force whites to pay reparations to blacks in order to wreak vengeance for the sins of the past
  • Declare martial law and cancel the 2016 election so he could stay in office
As I said, that's only a partial list. If you go back to look at the way conservatives were talking eight years ago, the level of panic they demonstrated is nothing short of comical. Sometimes the terms were literally apocalyptic, painting a horrifying picture of the wreckage an Obama presidency would leave behind. But even those who stayed away from the most ridiculous claims agreed that his administration would be an unmitigated disaster. And critically, while they sometimes said that Obama was stupid and incompetent (He can't even talk without a teleprompter, har har!), more often they asserted that it was all a careful plan: Obama wasn't just going to destroy America, he wanted to destroy America.

This is an idea they have never let go of. You'll recall the primary debates, when Marco Rubio was mocked for repeating over and over, "Let's dispel with the notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing." Rubio is supposed to be one of the sensible Republicans, and his point—which neither his opponents nor any other conservative seemed to disagree with—was that Obama was carrying out a plan to intentionally harm, diminish, or completely destroy the United States of America.
Maybe there is some mileage left in Obama..

Quote:If we don’t have Barack Obama at the top of the ticket, we can’t win elections. That is an unsustainable model. He can’t run again, so it’s not even like we can say, well, every four years we’ll win.” Indeed, Barack Obama can't run again ... OR CAN HE???

Such is the question posed by this petition, which was ... well, it was posted by a friend of mine. It's called "President Obama: Run for Speaker of the House in 2018," and it outlines a practical and eminently constitutional path by which Obama could become the second-most-powerful elected official in America two years from now.
Barack Obama could run for Congress in 2018 - Business Insider

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