President Trump is supposedly neutralized, or at least serious attempts are being made to neutralize him by something which right-wingers call The Deep State, unelected bureaucrats supposedly in the service of the “elites,” preserving the status quo, with Trump the champion of the forgotten masses which have been exploited by those elites.
This is actually quite funny, if it wasn’t so sad. The truth is, of course, that Trump’s policies are in service of an elite, that is, rich people like him. This is why:
- Trump’s tax plans massively favor the rich and corporations
- Trump’s proposed budget breaks his campaign promises not to cut Medicaire and Social Security
- Trumpcare would massively cut Medicaid, cut tens of millions out of insurance and weaken protection for those with pre-existing conditions
- His regulatory changes are massively against working people’s rights and against the environment
People don’t prioritize tax cuts, certainly not for corporations and the rich, yet this is the standard for all Republican tax cuts? Why? Because of its billionaire donor class.
The same billionaire donor class forced the repeal of Obamacare and a replacement that, apart from being a mean joke for the sick and elderly, is so unpopular and so diametrically opposed to what Trump promised during the campaign that one wonders why they even tried?
The simple answer; the billionaire donor class.